Letting your creative flow come into expression can be very scary, but where there is fear there is opportunity. To be able to step into your expressiveness and be creative you need to step into that creativity with trust in what you are capable of creating. Do not distance yourself from it in fear of outcomes, or the fear to be seen, or criticized.
Creativity is not only arts and crafts to me, but creating from all that you dream of, are visualizing and imagining. What dreams do you lock up inside of you without letting them see daylight? To envision new dreams and dare to dream big you need to connect to what is holding you back. Usually, unconsciously, it is fear of what a creative flow could lead to.
Fear is a blockage
If being expressive doesn’t feel safe to you this feeling will be a blockage for any creative flow that you might be wanting to dip into. To create the abundant future that you dream of you need to connect to any emotions that you have about not being valued for your creative output. Perhaps someone significant, or a group of people, told you that you are not good enough at what you do or envision, which leaves you feeling unworthy to be seen for your abilities or your expression.
You are a creator, but were you ever in a creative flow? How does that sound: You are a creator. You are creating your life every day. In each moment you can create it and mold it into something new, bringing alive what you dream of. Creativity does not only include high end art. Creativity is your force as a human on this earth, and tapping into your creative flow is part of your birthright. You are a creator, embodying life force, embodying creativity in your being. The power of creative flow is waiting for you to access it.
Creative flow is a power
Our creativity is easily blocked by old patterns and long-held beliefs, and when you uncover what they are, and you open up to a sense of trust and worthiness, the creativity in you can begin to flow.
Reflect upon how you can explore how to be in a state of consciously creating your life?
How do we tap into our life force?
Ask yourself how you perceive your creativity, and if there is a state of mind that goes with the concept.
How unfamiliar is a state of creative flow to you?
Emotions the catalyst to creative flow
Creative blockages are tied to emotions we carry, and often those emotions are related to fear; embarrassment, insecurity, jealousy, envy, anxiety, not feeling worthy, or not feeling valuable. These emotions can be the catalyst to our expression, and the creative flow that it needs. Creativity thrives on flow, and consciously fostering flow. When fearful emotions are processed we can express anew. As an example, if you have been told you are untalented, or if you have been unvalued at a job where you once dared to show some of your creativity, perhaps you even were fired for your expression, you might not dare to be creative again.
Any such disappointments, such as being fired from your creative job or made redundant in your team, is a loss of identity, which if not processed will block your creative flow with fear of another disappointment, another failure, another piece of proof that you are not good enough or creative enough. Julia Cameron talked about this necessity to mourn disappointments to unblock yourself in her workshops for artists, and in The Artist’s Way (1992, 2016).
Create space for emotions
The emotion needs to be given space, needs to be felt, needs to transform into something else, something new, to unblock the flow of your creativity. Any sorrows, insecurities, fears or losses that have not been given the space to heal will block you, and always change your mind with excuses when you try to be creative.
Dealing with feelings of fear
Instead of ignoring or suppressing the fear, which most often creates more fear, we can practice to be with our present physical and emotional reactions in the now. We can bring compassion to what we are feeling, we can acknowledge that what we feel is real, and create a safe space by kindly speaking to ourselves out loud in the mirror, breathing, tapping or massaging the body. Other times it is most helpful to move the energy by shaking, dancing, or even screaming, and later meditating on what the presence of fear actually is showing you.
We need to feel safe in our expression, we need to feel that the space is safe for us to show ourselves, to devote time and focus to our creative flow. If not, it is harder to create from joy and trust and ease, which makes a pitfall of bitterness, anxiety, jealousy or resentment.
Facing your fears is cultivating your emotional capacity, your ability to feel your feelings instead of wasting your energy on avoiding them. When you give space to your fears you become more present and will meet the catalyst to your creative flow. As you become resourced (instead of intellectually or spiritually bypassing your own emotions) the fear you feel will no longer overwhelm you, and will teach you something profound, rather than control you.
Creative flow needs no comfort zone
Stepping out of your comfort zone hurts badly, but that is what your creative flow needs from you. Invest in the abundant future that you dream of living in, creating, co-creating with other creators. Invest in giving space to your emotions, connecting to your heart’s desires, connecting to your dreams, and noticing how much possibility there is in unblocking yourself from holding back your creative power; our birthright as co-creators in this universe.
Reflect upon what you are afraid of, and what the worst thing is that you imagine happening. Is it a real threat?
Take steps to connect to your truth, values, senses and authenticity.
Explore your authentic expression from that set of truths and values. Live through your passion and dedication, hold it in your heart as your guiding compass, and let what you know show you the path forward.
To express yourself creatively, take small steps, make small efforts to create anything.
What is necessary next? Work with the potential it holds, and the fun feeling.
Fears show big dreams and values
Turning fear into a creative flow is ultimately a somatic journey of connecting to yourself and expressing what is within and in your life experience; by connecting to what is embodied. Touching on fears with my clients is always a beautiful exploration of big dreams, their values, as well as letting go of rigidity and leaning into trust.