Meditative dance – Somatic workshops

I invite you to try out a new way of connecting to your soma. Meditative dance is about letting your sensations and impulses lead you in a movement flow. My workshops allow you to stay in a flow of motion, finding your inner rhythm through imagery, touch, voice, breath, and your sensations that connect you to the movement that simply always is within you. Free form movement allows you to express and follow impulse, connecting you to your playfulness and needs. You are welcome to enter the space with all that you carry inside in that moment, to explore your expression authentically, with my guidance.

You are invited to join my intimate Meditative Dance Workshops, in a heartwarming space in Vaasa, Finland.

Check facebook events or Instagram @meembodied for upcoming dates and prices.

Dance meditation
Dance meditation

What is meditative dance?

This dance stems from jewish dance, practiced as prayer in front of God, in honesty. Meditative dance fosters compassion for the transformative process we go through during the dance. I have learned the art of facilitating from Israeli dance therapist Hadas Oren-Fischer, who weaves together dance and movement therapy, psychosomatic movement patterns, authentic dance forms, as well as Israeli dance culture in her program Transformative Dance.

Through meditative dance, or free form movement you are encouraged to allow the impulses within you to be expressed. When we do, we get into a flow of movement and expression. Meditative dance allows you to get out of your head and into the body, where you connect to your true expression without thinking about looks or performance. This opens up new space in the body to process your life, to find relief, and shake off physical and emotional stress. Additionally, you meet a playful side of you, and access creativity and intuitive flow. Furthermore, meditative dance lets you release tension, stress, headache, anxiety, worry, overwhelm, or whatever it is that we bring to the workshop.