Somatic Coaching for your transformation process

Somatic Therapy & Dance for Transformation

Do you currently feel stressed, overwhelmed, fatigued, unfocused, unproductive, stuck, or anxious, and want to connect to your resources? Has the current state of the world left you feeling disconnected and alone? In somatic therapy sessions we look at your individual needs through a conversation, aiming at connecting you to your body, self-confidence, strengths, values, and your authenticity. As a certified Pantarei Approach Practitioner I offer somatic therapy in Vaasa, Finland, at Wasa Wellness.

Pantarei Approach at Wasa Wellness with Kristin Ahlbäck

Coaching through the body

When we learn to connect to our body, our perspective changes and we become more aware of our senses, of our surroundings, and what we are experiencing.

Including bodywork and touch in your transformation process supports the integration and the processing of your life experiences.

When we land in our bodies we connect to new resources, creativity, our intuition, leaving us feeling less tired, or less stressed. When we come home to the body we can connect emotions to physical reactions and learn to self-regulate. This all in turn affects our relationships to others, and life around us, as we are always connected to a bigger world than that of our own individuality.

Somatic coaching and bodywork with Kristin Ahlbäck
Coaching through the body – Somatic coaching and bodywork

Pantarei Approach

As a trauma-informed Pantarei Approach Practitioner, I connect my clients to their uniqueness, their embodied resources and strengths. Pantarei Approach creates a transformative embodiment process, so that clients can improve their life and thrive in this world. Get to know my core values and my professional approach here.

I witness my clients gain insights from their body: Somatic coaching creates new space for you, bringing you back to your body, values, emotions and purpose. My values are the foundation of my work. I believe in coaching from a place of embracing each individual’s unique qualities; respecting your body, mind, emotions, and life journey as a unity; and fostering a culture of safety and trust. I give you space to enter with your story and your body.

Pantarei Approach with Kristin Ahlbäck
Pantarei Approach with Kristin Ahlbäck

Meditative dance as your embodiment practice

I organize courses and workshops in somatic free form dance. Dancing allows you to feel life rather than to analyse it. Somatic dancing is a playful way of allowing your emotional body to move, without thinking about what it looks like. I see how we benefit from an embodiment practice that allows the body’s expression of impulses and present emotions, while practicing compassion and honesty. Your body is holding so much in, in order to not seem weak, at the same time holding wisdom and resources that are waiting for you to be accessed.

Meditative Dance sessions are also offered for groups (Tyky or privately). Send me an email at with your request.

Connecting to your embodiment means to connect to your full being, landing in the body, softening your heart, daring to be vulnerable, and tapping into a resourced state. If stress takes over daily life we can even loose touch with who we really are, as we get side-tracked by the idea of how others perceive us, what is happening around us, or what is expected of us.

I help you connect to your senses and body through movement, breath, touch and imagery; encouraging you to become aware of the moment that is there, to discover your true strength and your ability to self-regulate. I hold the space for you to explore your own expression, so that you can have the space to grow and develop in your dance.


I met Kristin as a very clear, wise and heartfelt person. Her unconditional acceptance of whatever showed up during sessions helped me to connect to my strength, while not denying my vulnerabilities, or cutting off from them. Through her touch and guidance I could accept and even start to enjoy all parts of myself, also vulnerabilities and triggers, allowing those parts to change colours, to flow. I am very grateful for the space she is holding for me, and her commitment. Thank you from my heart! – Sara

I worked with Kristin for a month on a weekly basis and I had a great experience. With her I learned how to give myself the time and space to feel my body so I can give myself what I need. Specifically when feelings of anxiety and discomfort arise. She was amazing at making me feel safe and relaxed, and I could trust her from the beginning. She has a very positive energy and she adapted to my needs in a way that always felt good. I would love to work with Kristin again and can happily recommend her to everyone. – Catarina

Every time I worked with Kristin I was impressed by the depth of the emotional travel in the self. I really liked her presence, I could trust her and felt free to simply be how I am. I love her calm, and her firm but sweet voice, which guided me to a concentrated and deep journey through my body and emotions. I love her positive expression, always there when support was needed. – Giovanna

Meditative dance helps me dissolve the tension in my body. Kristin’s soothing voice facilitates the fluidity of movement and transports me to a peaceful place. At the end of the session, the feeling of calm stays with me. – Giulia

Somatic Coaching for your transformation process