Somatic Coaching Online

Connect to your strengths and resources by connecting to your body. In times of disconnect, stress, fear, and grief, while surrounded by anxious behaviour, it is all the more important to find your own resources so that you stay resilient through times of change. I hold the space for you to get in touch with those resources, and the emotions that they are often wrapped up in in somatic coaching online sessions.

1:1 coaching sessions allow you to work deeper on your personal development and needs. Through a conversation we aim at connecting you to your body as well as

  • your values
  • self-confidence
  • personal strength
  • authenticity
  • your vision and purpose

I offer Embodiment coaching for leaders and companies. A combination of in person Pantarei Approach sessions and online coaching for businesses who value the wellbeing and growth of their employees. Get in touch for an offer that suits the size and needs of your company.

In a process you will notice profound results, a shift to feeling more present in your body and more engaged in your life, choices and relationships.

During our first session we establish what your intention and expectations are and how many sessions you are prepared to commit to.

Somatic Coaching Kristin Ahlbäck
Somatic Coaching Online with Kristin Ahlbäck

Results from your somatic coaching online

Coaching through the body allows you to look at your life from another perspective. When you struggle with life situations, change, relationships, expressing yourself, making decisions, or with other people’s expectations of who or how you should be, the safest way to make sense of it all is to connect to your body, your being, and your intuition.

Because the body collects all of our memories, all of our experiences, and hence, knows exactly what we need, or what we do not want. Connecting to the somatic intelligence through coaching brings clarity and with it trust in your inner knowing. Working with the body can bring quicker results than when we try to solve issues through thinking. Somatic coaching sessions, whether online or in person, open up your connection to your truth, your self, and what is important to you.

Your answers are in your body, yet for many the body remains completely unfamiliar. I would be honoured to accompany you on your journey to connecting to yourself.

Your embodiment practice

With my support you establish a regular practice of connecting to your soma. I support you in getting connected to what is present in the moment, your emotions and your impulses throughout our conversation and movement.

As a result of a regular embodiment practice, such as meditative dance and centering with the ethics of the Pantarei Approach, you access wisdom with which to start expressing your authentic self and finding trust. Additionally emotions that are making you tense, rigid, fatigued, overwhelmed, or temporarily anxious, may also find space to be expressed and released.

Me Embodied coaching and therapy
Me Embodied coaching and therapy