Avainsana: embodiment practice

Turn Fear Into Creative Flow

Letting your creative flow come into expression can be very scary, but where there is fear there is opportunity. To be able to step into your expressiveness and be creative you need to step into that creativity with trust in what you are capable of creating. Do not distance yourself from it in fear of […]

Break the loop of loneliness and isolation

Loneliness and isolation is a worldwide health crisis that is reported to become more and more severe. But what they don’t report on is how you have the possibility to create a reality of connection for yourself. Loneliness and isolation is at its root a lack of connection with yourself and others. By stepping into […]

6 Ways to Consciously Connect to Your Embodiment

What is it to consciously connect to your embodiment and what makes up your embodiment? Can a person be disconnected from themselves, and does that change their embodiment? We are all embodied through our experiences, our way of living our lives, our traumas, and our beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in. This […]

How to Align with your Purpose and Vision

What has your purpose and vision got to do with your embodiment? Having a purpose means having a vision and hope for your future. To align with your purpose is to allow for that vision to be felt in your body, and to follow what feels good, inspiring and desirable. You could call this your […]

Self-agency from connecting to your body

Self-agency is a decision to connect with your body to lead a healthier, better life; to understand the wisdom and communication of the body. You are responsible for your actions and understanding your reactions. When you get more familiar with your sensory system and what your emotions actually feel like physically, you open up to […]

How to self-regulate during stress

How often do you realize that you are consumed by a reaction or cycle of thoughts, and you need to come back to your center? Are you aware that you have the choice to calm down or regulate your state? When we know how to self-regulate during stress, we give ourselves the gift of choosing […]

Release emotions through meditative dance

How do you handle your emotions? Do you suppress them because you were brought up to believe that they should not be shown in public, or maybe feeling your emotions is overwhelming so you do not like to give them too much thought? However, if you keep pushing your emotions aside they will at some […]

How to connect to your body

Being in the body is a means of staying present. When you connect to your body you can be present with yourself, but also with your environment and in your relationships. When you become aware of what you are sensing, your window of perception and connection widens. How do you connect to your body? How […]

Release stress and tension with an embodiment practice

We can lead healthier and happier lives when we are present in the body, grounded, aware, connected, and without being overwhelmed by stress responses. Stress in itself cannot be avoided, but our response can be managed and the tension can be released. So what can you do when you want to stop ignoring the patterns […]